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Financial Help

Option 1: Utah Education Fits All

In January 2023, Utah passed a law to give each qualifying child $8,000 to use towards however they would like to be educated.  Below are a few links to help you understand the law a little better. We are hoping to get more information as soon as we can.

Click below to read the whole flyer.

Defining what the UT-FITS scholarship is.

Click below to register.

Click on image to preregister with Utah education fits all.

My Tech High is an online public education program, but you get to choose how to educate your child.  While not all the courses offered through Vernal Liberty can be covered with this program, it can help cover any of the course that are secular (Computer, Life skills, Art and Extra Science).  It can also help cover the cost of a computer, a rec pass, park passes, school supplies, etc.  If you don't get the Utah Education Fits all Scholarship, we highly recommend looking into this program.  We will even help you get registered!


I have not used this, but I know of other that have used this program.  I'm looking into becoming a provider, but that probably won't happen until 2025.  I would love to figure out this program better for anyone interested in using this!

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